While teaching preschool children in Nieu Bethesda - a small village in the eastern cape of South Africa - the local teachers gave me the nickname of Thembeka. In the South African dialect, Xhosa, Thembeka (tem-bek-uh) means "trust on you." I hold the name and the meaning close, in my work as a doula and throughout my life...

Check out my website for upcoming Healthy Childbirth Classes through BellyWise.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I am a doula!

Last night was a lovely night so Dan and I sat in our backyard for a while - a fire in the chimenea and leaves falling all around us. As we chatted, we fell on to the topic of my future as a doula. I can't say that I have ever been more excited about a "profession" before. I clearly remember adoring my life as a teacher in South Africa. I was struck by how much I could actually look forward to my work, by how much I could enjoy it on a daily basis - so much so that I asked a good friend of mine to never let me return to a job that didn't suit me, that felt mundane and dry to me. Although I have had a few dry spells since then, I am now in a place of satisfaction. As a doula, I feel excitement. I feel lucky. I look forward to each birth for its unique thrill. Having the opportunity to watch new families blossom during the first few months postpartum is also rather special, an intriguing event that most people do not have the pleasure of taking part in. Each person changes, grows, and figures out how things fit. I am happy to assist them as they emerge. 

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