While teaching preschool children in Nieu Bethesda - a small village in the eastern cape of South Africa - the local teachers gave me the nickname of Thembeka. In the South African dialect, Xhosa, Thembeka (tem-bek-uh) means "trust on you." I hold the name and the meaning close, in my work as a doula and throughout my life...

Check out my website for upcoming Healthy Childbirth Classes through BellyWise.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Introducing BellyWise!

I am excited to have officially entered the world of websites as BellyWise! Check out my new site for information on doula services (birth and postpartum), healthy childbirth classes, upcoming events for parents and families, advocacy opportunities, and more. I will be keeping a blog there as well so you can continue to follow my steps within the magical world of birth and family..